How to Navigate This Site

This page is for those visiting our site for the first time, providing a summary of the information available.

Recommended for Those Who Want to Read Just One Article

What is Bitcoin?
This article uses 10 original illustrations to create an easy-to-understand guide suitable for both children and adults.

Articles About the Current Situation in Japan

Author's Comments

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Although our site implements SEO measures (aiming to appear at the top of Google search results), in Japan, it is rare for non-large corporate sites to appear at the top of Google search results. As a result, beginners who do not know about Bitcoin are not receiving information from our site.

In Japan, there are many cryptocurrency affiliate sites of major companies, and among various articles promoting altcoins, it is often stated that "XX coin is better than Bitcoin!" Some cryptocurrency exchanges also encourage the trading of altcoins, and some even promote a stance of Bitcoin criticism and altcoin promotion.

I aim to spread accurate knowledge about Bitcoin and believe it is necessary to rank high in Google search results to achieve this. If you find this site helpful, I would appreciate it if you could share it.

My goal is to create a site that is easy for beginners to understand and that knowledgeable Bitcoin enthusiasts can recommend to beginners without hesitation. I will continue to write articles with this goal in mind.