
Are Cryptocurrencies Other Than Bitcoin Recommended? Beware of the Bargain Sensation of Cheap Tokens


Wouldn't cryptocurrencies other than Bitcoin grow more in the future? Maybe tokens costing around 1 yen or 100 yen could be more profitable?

Some people interested in cryptocurrencies might think, "I'll buy other coins because they seem more profitable than Bitcoin." However, buying random cryptocurrencies based on such a simple notion is very risky.

In this article, I'll explain the relationship between the number of tokens issued and investment risks for cryptocurrencies other than Bitcoin.


Summary of This Article

  • A cheaper token doesn't necessarily mean it will increase in value more easily.
  • It's essential to consider the number of tokens issued and market capitalization, not just the price per coin.
  • Cryptocurrencies with a low market capitalization often include many scam coins.

This article was written in Japanese and converted to English using a translation tool.
Date of writing (Japanese version): January 2024

Will Cheaper Cryptocurrencies Grow More?


Bitcoin used to be less than 1 yen per coin, but now it's worth hundreds of thousands of yen, right? Maybe cheaper cryptocurrencies will grow more.

That kind of thinking is quite dangerous. Just because a token is cheap doesn't mean it will be easy to profit from it.


But if a cryptocurrency costs 1 yen or 10 yen, it seems like it could easily increase 100 times in value. After all, Bitcoin is worth hundreds of thousands of yen now. It wouldn't be surprising if other coins went up to 1,000 yen or 10,000 yen.

The number of tokens issued for Bitcoin is entirely different from other cryptocurrencies. You can't simply compare them based on the price per coin.


Low Price Per Token Due to High Issuance Volume

CryptocurrencyPrice per TokenNumber of Tokens IssuedMaximum SupplyMarket Capitalization
Bitcoin6,180,000 JPY19.6 million21 million121 trillion JPY
Ethereum360,000 JPY120 millionNo limit43 trillion JPY
Ripple81 JPY54 billion100 billion4.4 trillion JPY
Dogecoin12 JPY140 billionNo limit1.8 trillion JPY
Shiba Inu0.0014 JPY580 trillionNo limit800 billion JPY
As of January 21, 2024 (approximate values)

Cryptocurrencies have different issuance volumes, and those with a high number of tokens tend to have a lower price per coin. As shown in the table above, compared to Bitcoin's 21 million tokens, other cryptocurrencies have significantly higher issuance and maximum supply volumes.


The number of tokens is completely different! Hmm, but even if the issuance volume is high, isn't it possible that a popular token could increase 100 or 1,000 times in value?

Considering the market capitalization of cryptocurrencies, it's very difficult for well-known coins to become 100-fold tokens from now on.


Difficulties for High Market Cap Cryptocurrencies to Become 100-Fold Tokens

Market capitalization is a measure of the value and size of a cryptocurrency. It is calculated by "price per token × current issuance volume."

Given the market capitalization, it is challenging for widely known cryptocurrencies with large market caps to increase 100 times in value.

Example of "Ripple (XRP)" in the Top 10 by Market Capitalization

ParameterCurrent ValueNumber in circulationMarket Capitalization
Current Value*81 JPY54 billion4.4 trillion JPY
Value if 100-Fold8100 JPY54 billion440 trillion JPY
Value if 100-Fold + Max Supply8100 JPY100 billion810 trillion JPY
*As of January 21, 2024 (approximate values)

In 2023, the world's top company by market capitalization, Apple Inc., had a market capitalization of about 3 trillion USD (approximately 440 trillion JPY). If XRP were to increase 100 times in value, its market capitalization would be on par with Apple's. Furthermore, if the number of XRP tokens in circulation reached the maximum supply of 100 billion, the market capitalization would be 810 trillion JPY, a very large amount.

Some media and social media claim that "Ripple will reach 1 million JPY," but if XRP were to reach 1 million JPY, its market capitalization would be 100 quadrillion JPY, exceeding the global GDP. The above calculation is just an example, but when considering whether cryptocurrencies can increase 100 or 1,000 times, it is advisable to consider the overall scale of the global economy.


I thought that since Bitcoin reached hundreds of thousands of yen, other cryptocurrencies might reach 1,000 or 10,000 yen, but considering the issuance volume and market capitalization, it's clear that these are enormous amounts…

As the number of coins in circulation increases, the value of each coin gets diluted, negatively impacting the price. It's important to remember that coins with no maximum supply or those with a small number of circulating coins relative to the maximum supply might see their value diluted in the future.


So, does this mean that small market cap cryptocurrencies (altcoins) could potentially increase 100 or 1,000 times in value?

Altcoins are often rife with scam coins, and their value can drop to one-tenth or almost zero right after purchase. They are very risky for beginners.


It's Not Recommended to Buy Cryptocurrencies Just Because They Are Cheap


I was thinking of buying cryptocurrencies sorted by price in ascending order on the exchange… I'm also curious about meme coins costing 0.001 yen. I heard they skyrocketed once.

Some might think that cheap cryptocurrencies will somehow increase in value. However, cheap tokens do not necessarily grow and may drop below 1 yen, fall to 0.1 yen, or even have more zeroes added to the decimal.

If you're not used to investing, you might focus on "how much the price can rise," but it's also crucial to consider "how much your chosen cryptocurrency can fall." To avoid wasting limited investment funds, thoroughly research before making any purchase.

Meme coins often experience aggressive buying due to social media hype, only for early investors to sell massively and cause a crash. Don't trust social media or media outlets that claim, "This cryptocurrency is about to skyrocket!"


Is Cryptocurrency Other Than Bitcoin Recommended?


I was thinking that maybe cryptocurrencies other than Bitcoin are better…

It's great that people interested in Bitcoin are also curious about new things. However, don't jump to conclusions like "This new coin might be better than Bitcoin!" so quickly.


It's Not Recommended for Beginners to Buy Altcoins Aiming to Become a Millionaire

Many cryptocurrency projects aim to attract funds from beginners, and some are even scams. Many altcoins are issued primarily for the profit of the issuers, and similar coins are being issued daily.

Altcoins with a small market capitalization can experience significant price fluctuations due to the trades of a single large holder, which can turn into a money game.

Cryptocurrencies Are Easy to Create

In the Twitter post above, a new cryptocurrency was created in just 27 seconds. There are many cases where coins are created without much cost or effort, funds are collected, and the project disappears.


I thought that cryptocurrencies, blockchain, and web3 technologies were amazing just because they are new…

But assuming "It's new, so it has potential!" is really dangerous.

It's Not Recommended to Buy Without Understanding the Investment

Buying cryptocurrencies without fully understanding them just because "an influencer recommended it on social media" or "someone said they made money" is not advisable. Cryptocurrencies are often hyped by social media and the media, while there are few people making critical points. Relying solely on someone else's opinion can quickly lead to financial loss.

Moreover, cryptocurrencies are highly volatile. If you buy without proper understanding, you may end up panic-selling during a price crash. To be able to hold (HODL) even during a price drop, make sure you understand the cryptocurrency thoroughly before investing.


But studying is a bit tedious, and I don't really know how to go about it…

In that case, start by learning about Bitcoin. I recommend reading various articles on this site, ""


Summary: Cheap Cryptocurrencies Other Than Bitcoin Aren't Necessarily Better!


Key Points

  • Just because a coin is cheap doesn't mean it will increase in value.
  • Consider the number of coins issued and the market capitalization, not just the price per coin.
  • Cryptocurrencies with small market caps often involve scams.

There are many cryptocurrencies cheaper than Bitcoin, but I didn't know they had way more coins issued than Bitcoin.

Just because a coin is cheap doesn't mean it's a good deal.

It's hard for well-known altcoins to increase 100 or 1000 times considering their market cap.

Remember that the smaller the market cap, the more likely it is to encounter scam projects.


Bitcoin seems complicated and a bit intimidating, but now I want to learn more about it.

Let's learn more about Bitcoin!

Sigeru Minami

Writer:Sigeru Minami

Creator of ""
Active as a handmade craftsman of Bitcoin goods.
