
Is Satoshi Nakamoto not Japanese?


I want to know about Satoshi Nakamoto, the creator of Bitcoin.

I heard that he might not be Japanese…

The phrase "Bitcoin developed by Satoshi Nakamoto" might make Bitcoin seem closely related to Japan. However, it is unclear whether Satoshi Nakamoto is Japanese, and the reason for using a Japanese name is not known.

This article will explain why it is said that Satoshi Nakamoto might not be Japanese and discuss the people rumored to be Satoshi.



  • The identity of Satoshi Nakamoto, who invented Bitcoin, is shrouded in mystery, and he has currently disappeared.
  • Although the name sounds Japanese, his nationality, age, and gender are entirely unknown.
  • Individuals rumored to be Satoshi include Dorian Nakamoto and Hal Finney.

This article was written in Japanese and converted to English using a translation tool.
Date of writing (Japanese version): February 2024

Who is Satoshi Nakamoto, the creator of Bitcoin?


Satoshi Nakamoto is the person who invented Bitcoin, and his identity is shrouded in mystery.

His age, nationality, gender, and whether he is an individual or a team name are unknown. In unofficial contexts, the kanji "中本哲史" is sometimes used.


What is known about Satoshi Nakamoto?

Let's trace Satoshi Nakamoto's past to understand more about him.

  • August 18, 2008: The domain "Bitcoin.org" is registered.
    →Widely recognized as an official source of information on Bitcoin, the site is now managed as an open-source project with contributions from many people.
  • October 31, 2008: A paper is posted to a mailing list.
    →The concept of Bitcoin is introduced in the paper "Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System"
  • January 3, 2009: Bitcoin begins operation.
    →The first Bitcoin block is generated.
  • January 12, 2009: The first Bitcoin transaction.
    →A test transfer of 10 BTC is made from Satoshi Nakamoto to Hal Finney.
  • December 12, 2010: The last forum post, and Satoshi's trail disappears.
  • Numerous posts were made between the end of 2009 and 2010.
  • March 7, 2014: A post stating "I am not Dorian Nakamoto."
    →This was posted when American resident Dorian Nakamoto was widely reported to be Satoshi (whether this post was genuinely from Satoshi is debated).

When Satoshi's paper was posted in October 2008, most people ignored it.

Many decentralized digital currencies that appeared before had failed, and since the post was from an unknown person named "Satoshi Nakamoto,"


Wow! I thought it would have caused a huge stir immediately because it's such an impressive technology.

When the first block was generated on January 3, 2009, the network participants were just Satoshi and Hal Finney, who contributed to early Bitcoin.

From there, several bugs were fixed, participation gradually increased, and the network expanded.


I heard that Satoshi was nominated for the Nobel Prize in Economics in 2016.

It's amazing that a mysterious person who might not even exist was nominated!

Is Satoshi Nakamoto not Japanese?


Satoshi Nakamoto sounds like a Japanese name.

Is a Japanese person the inventor of Bitcoin?

There are various speculations about the identity of Satoshi Nakamoto, but some people think he might not be Japanese.


Reasons why Satoshi Nakamoto is said not to be Japanese

  • British-accented English
    The use of British English spelling and the habit of double spacing after periods are considered uncharacteristic of a Japanese person, leading some to believe Satoshi might be a native English speaker.
  • Activity hours
    Satoshi posted almost nothing between 2 PM and 8 PM Japan time, which is suspected to be his sleep time (corresponding to North America or Central America).
  • Use of an alias
    When Bitcoin first appeared, no one knew about "Satoshi Nakamoto," and there was no information found even through Google searches.

Linguistic and syntactic analyses of Satoshi's writing have been conducted, and English-speaking engineers have been suggested as potential candidates for Satoshi.
(It's considered that Satoshi's English is at a native speaker level.)
Example:Stylometric Analysis: Satoshi Nakamoto

Martti Malmi, who was closely involved with Bitcoin in its earliest days and communicated frequently with Satoshi, pointed out that Satoshi was not Japanese.

Marc soon began participating in long chats on various topics, ranging from the origins of an obscure Japanese payment system to the identity of Satoshi (Marc was convinced that Satoshi was not Japanese).

"As a programmer, I've worked with many Japanese, but the Bitcoin code is completely different from what I've seen here (although not so different from the code I've seen in the West)," he wrote one night in the chat.

Source:デジタル・ゴールド ビットコイン、その知られざる物語/ナサニエル・ホッパー

Satoshi Nakamoto uses fluent English!

Activity hours can be manipulated, but Satoshi is trying to hide his identity as much as possible, and if he were Japanese, would he use a Japanese name…?

Hmm, maybe he really isn't Japanese.

There are various speculations and analyses, but no credible information has been found that could lead to Satoshi Nakamoto.

It's certain that his English is at a native speaker level, but we still don't know if he's Japanese or where he lives.


Who is Satoshi Nakamoto?


Do we really have no idea about Satoshi Nakamoto's true identity?

Is there anyone who is speculated to be Satoshi?

I'll introduce some people who have been speculated to be "Satoshi Nakamoto."


Satoshi Candidate 1: Dorian Nakamoto?

Dorian Nakamoto is a Japanese-American engineer. His birth name was "Dorian Satoshi Nakamoto," which led many media outlets to swarm him.

However, Dorian Nakamoto has completely denied being Satoshi.


Dorian Nakamoto appeared on "Bitcoinr Hanseikai" show!

He interacted with Akira Higashi in both English and Japanese.

It's a rare video, so be sure to watch it.


Satoshi Candidate 2: Hal Finney?

Hal Finney was a programmer who played a major role in the early days of Bitcoin. He downloaded Satoshi's code and participated in the initial network, receiving Bitcoin from Satoshi to verify the transaction system (the first Bitcoin transaction).

Hal Finney was diagnosed with ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) in August 2009 and passed away in 2014. While some believe Satoshi Nakamoto is Hal Finney, but others point out that records show that the two were both active at the same time and at different times, making it unlikely that they are the same person.


There are claims that Satoshi Nakamoto sent emails while Hal Finney was participating in a marathon.

It's also noted that Satoshi Nakamoto was active during Hal Finney's illness, making it unlikely they are the same person.

Additionally, Hal Finney expressed his desire to contribute to the advancement of cryonics.

After his death was confirmed, Hal Finney's body was cryopreserved by the Alcor Life Extension Foundation.


Satoshi Candidate 3: Craig Wright?

Craig Wright is an Australian programmer who claims to be Satoshi Nakamoto. He developed Bitcoin SV, a coin that split from Bitcoin Cash, which itself split from Bitcoin.

Many people involved in Bitcoin have pointed out that Craig Wright's claims are false.

If he were the real Satoshi, he should be able to move the 1.1 million BTC that Satoshi holds.

Craig Wright has been asked to do this for years but has yet to move any BTC.


Craig Wright is even suing Bitcoin network developers…

Hmm, if he were Satoshi, he could prove it by moving some Bitcoin. It doesn't seem likely that Craig Wright is Satoshi.

Is Satoshi Nakamoto not Isamu Kaneko?

Isamu Kaneko was the developer of the file-sharing software "Winny," which debuted in 2002. In Japan, some media and social media voices suggest that Isamu Kaneko might be Satoshi Nakamoto.

Winny allowed users to exchange files without going through a central server. Despite its explosive growth in users, it became notorious for issues with illegal uploads, information leaks, and virus infections. Isamu Kaneko was arrested for aiding copyright infringement and, after a legal battle, was acquitted in the third trial. However, he passed away from acute myocardial infarction at the young age of 42.

In 2023, the film "Winny," which highlights Isamu Kaneko's story, was released.

When the media frenzy around Dorian Nakamoto peaked in 2014, Satoshi posted “I’m not Dorian Nakamoto.” on his Bitcoin Talk account.

Since Kaneko died in 2013, there are opinions that Satoshi Nakamoto is not Kaneko.


Isamu Kaneko's trial lasted from 2004 to 2011.

Satoshi was actively posting on forums around 2009-2010. It seems difficult to develop and start Bitcoin while being involved in a legal battle.

reference:Forum Posts

Kaneko also served as a technical advisor for companies from 2006. Managing forum responses and Bitcoin development while leading a reversed day-night lifestyle would be unrealistic.

There is no information suggesting that Isamu Kaneko had the English proficiency of a native speaker. It is also unclear if Kaneko was familiar with digital currency technology.

Developing Bitcoin, a field where many experts failed, would require extensive technical knowledge.


Moreover, the serial entrepreneur Tomohisa Furuhashi, who planned the 2023 film "Winny," is also the founder of an NFT project. (The "MASKED GIRLS NFT" project has been canceled.)

Seeing terms like P2P and NFT, some media might have hastily linked Winny with blockchain.

In the past, "Napster," a music file-sharing software using P2P technology developed by an American student in 1999, was also speculated to be created by Satoshi.

The Isamu Kaneko = Satoshi theory is not well known overseas. For those speculated to be Satoshi, discussions are often backed by specific evidence.

In the case of Isamu Kaneko = Satoshi, clear evidence has not been presented. The arguments are vague, such as "He's a genius programmer" or "Winny uses P2P technology."

Besides the individuals mentioned in this article, many cryptographic technologists have been speculated to be Satoshi. These discussions often use linguistic analysis and data on activity times.


It is true that voices have raised concerns about Kaneko's arrest and mourned his death.

However, the media's tendency to easily link Isamu Kaneko with Satoshi Nakamoto seems a bit misguided.

Why does Satoshi Nakamoto hide their identity?


Why does Satoshi Nakamoto continue to hide their identity without coming forward?

If they revealed themselves, they could become famous and live comfortably using their Bitcoin holdings.

While we don't know the exact reason why Satoshi Nakamoto disappeared, it's possible they did so to ensure the decentralization of Bitcoin.


Possible reasons why Satoshi disappeared

  • To ensure Bitcoin's decentralization
    → Satoshi may have feared that their continued presence would lead to a centralized network.
  • To protect personal safety
    → If Bitcoin succeeded, Satoshi and those close to them could become targets for crime, so they may have chosen to avoid this risk.
  • To avoid attention from regulatory authorities
    → If Bitcoin were used for illegal activities, Satoshi could face legal repercussions, so they may have sought to avoid this risk.

It's worth noting that Hal Finney, who made significant contributions in Bitcoin's early days, was threatened after using much of his Bitcoin for medical expenses.

Bitcoin developers face various risks, including physical harm, theft of their Bitcoin holdings, excessive media attention, and fraudulent lawsuits.


It's sad to think that the people who created and contributed to Bitcoin might suffer.

I hope Satoshi is living happily somewhere.

Is there a connection between Satoshi Nakamoto and Pokémon?


Speaking of Satoshi, it's Pokemon. The main character of the first Pokemon series is named Satoshi in Japan. Is there any relationship between Satoshi and Pokemon?

As someone who has played every Pokémon game, I (Shigeru Minami) can honestly say there is no direct connection between Satoshi and Pokémon.

Although it was a bit of a stretch, I tried to think of a connection.

  • Concept of Bitcoin: P2P (Peer-to-Peer / computers directly exchanging data as equals)→ Pokémon uses the Game Boy and a link cable for players to directly trade Pokémon with each other
  • Bitcoin can be used globally
    → Pokémon is a global game with the anime broadcast in 192 countries and regions
    Reference: :数字で見るポケモン
  • People's interest in Bitcoin varies (finance, freedom, economy, investment, etc.)
    → People's reasons for being passionate about Pokémon vary (adventure, battles, training, collecting, etc.)

Satoshi-related anniversaries and Pokédex numbers

  • Bitcoin white paper release: October 31, 2008
    → No. 131: Lapras (A kind and intelligent Pokémon. It likes carrying people on its back across the sea. Its numbers have decreased due to overhunting.)
  • Bitcoin network launch: January 3, 2009
    → No. 13: Weedle (A caterpillar-like Pokémon with a stinger on its head. It hides in bushes and eats leaves constantly.)
  • First Bitcoin transaction (Satoshi to Hal Finney): January 12, 2009
    → No. 112: Rhydon (Its body is protected by a tough skin like armor. It can withstand cannon fire and live in magma up to 2000 degrees.)

When people overseas research the name "Satoshi," they might find out it's the name of the protagonist in Pokémon (known as Ash in English-speaking countries).

Pokémon is a global game, so the name would be widely recognized.

We don't know if Satoshi Nakamoto is Japanese, but it's a fact that they chose a Japanese name.

They might have a connection to Japanese culture or there could be other reasons.


It's interesting to consider why Satoshi chose a Japanese name.

Perhaps he chose the name of a Japanese person with less influence, as giving him the name of someone from a powerful, influential country could have sparked conflict between those countries in the future.

To people in other countries, Japan might seem mysterious.

Since the founder of Bitcoin used a Japanese name, it would be nice if Satoshi Nakamoto and Bitcoin were better known in Japan.


Q&A about Satoshi Nakamoto


I want to know more about Satoshi Nakamoto.

Let's dive into some Q&A about Satoshi Nakamoto.


How much wealth does Satoshi Nakamoto have?

atoshi Nakamoto is believed to own over 1.1 million BTC.
※ As of February 2, 2024, this amounts to approximately 6.9 trillion yen.

Bitcoin is newly issued through a process called "mining," which anyone can participate in. However, in the early days of Bitcoin, very few people were mining. It is believed that Satoshi Nakamoto and Hal Finney mined most of the early Bitcoins before the network saw a gradual increase in participants.


So Satoshi owns about 5% of Bitcoin's 21 million cap.

Satoshi's Bitcoins can be tracked on the blockchain.

Aside from the test transaction to Hal Finney, no transactions or movements have been made with these Bitcoins.


Bitcoin ownership distribution (rough conceptual image)

What are Satoshi Nakamoto's famous quotes?

One of the most famous quotes attributed to Satoshi Nakamoto is, "If you don’t believe it or don’t get it, I don’t have the time to try to convince you, sorry."

This quote was used when explaining Bitcoin to someone who didn’t show interest.

Notably, Satoshi used this phrase during a discussion about Bitcoin's mechanism and included a link to a relevant thread.


Satoshi's discussion partner replied after reading the linked thread, saying, "I totally believe you and have come to that conclusion."

Actual exchange involving Satoshi

Source:Bitcoin Forum

For more famous quotes from Satoshi, check out "The Quotable Satoshi " which compiles Satoshi Nakamoto's statements and code.


What is "We are all Satoshi"?

"We are all Satoshi" is a phrase used in the Bitcoin community.

It means that Bitcoin does not rely on a single founder but is supported and developed by everyone involved in Bitcoin. It symbolizes the decentralized and non-centralized nature of Bitcoin.

The Satoshi statue made in Hungary


The face part is like a mirror!

The statue is designed so that the face of the viewer is reflected, embodying the idea that "We are all Satoshi"!

Instead of focusing on "who is Satoshi," this slogan shows respect for the unknown Satoshi.

People who love Bitcoin can contribute to its growth and development in their own way.

We are all Satoshi!


Summary: The identity of Satoshi Nakamoto remains unknown!


Summary points

  • The identity of Satoshi Nakamoto, who invented Bitcoin, is shrouded in mystery and he has disappeared.
  • Although the name sounds Japanese, his nationality, age, and gender are entirely unknown.
  • People speculated to be Satoshi include Dorian Nakamoto and Hal Finney.

It's surprising that almost no one paid attention when Satoshi published the Bitcoin paper.

But in January 2009, the network started, participants gradually increased, and now it's a network with many participants worldwide!

The reason for Satoshi's disappearance is unknown, but it may have been to ensure the decentralization of Bitcoin.

In the Bitcoin community, there is a respect for Satoshi and a mindset of "supporting Bitcoin's growth together."


Bitcoin seems complicated and hard to understand, which makes me a bit uneasy, but I want to learn more about it.

Let's learn more about Bitcoin!

Sigeru Minami

Writer:Sigeru Minami

Creator of "Bitcoin-zukan.com."
Active as a handmade craftsman of Bitcoin goods.
